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I will change myself, I will change my community, I will change my world

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November Haiti Trip

This past November, sixteen men had the opportunity to share the love of Christ with the people of Haiti. They were able to minister to men in a local prison, seeing many trust Christ and had a variety of other evangelistic outreach opportunities in the park and on the streets. They spent time loving on the children living in the shelter; the same kids that you sponsor through Haiti Child Sponsorship and they were able to tangibly meet the needs of hundreds by providing them with food. Let’s praise God for the amazing things He did through these men and for what He continues to do in Haiti.

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Spotlight: Ronel Louis

In July of 2013 Ronel and his sister Nadine arrived at Chanje Lakay. They brought nothing except the clothes on their back and a small bag that held all their belongings. Their father had abandoned the family, and with no way to provide, their mother felt she had no option but to give them away. On the day we met Ronel, his mother had to leave due to an unknown emergency. As she left her kids, she said these words: “Do whatever you can with my children.” Ronel’s mother was looking to provide a better life, one with the hope of survival. Upon his arrival it became clear that Ronel was suffering from extreme malnutrition, with both exterior and interior complications. Because of the lack of nutrients his body was receiving, his stomach was swollen and he had parasites and a liver aliment. Although he was just shy of his sixth birthday, Ronel looked about three or four years old. He was in need of immediate medical attention. Thanks to your support through Child Sponsorship, Ronel was able to receive just that. We are happy to say that after undergoing several rounds of medication, numerous hospital and clinical visits and tests, Ronel is doing great. He eats like a horse with three meals a day and his health has stabilized now that he has the right medication. Not to mention, Ronel is one of the cutest and cuddliest kids ever! His life, as well as the other children at Chanje Lakay, has been forever changed.

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Child Sponsorship

Chanje Lakay and Child Sponsorship have been a process of faith and dependence on the Lord from the beginning. Starting a shelter and rescuing children was not part of our original plan. However, it was a part of God’s plan. We stepped out in faith and followed where the Lord was leading in opening a shelter and in providing the opportunity for people to come alongside us by sponsoring and rescuing children. Since the launch of Haiti Child Sponsorship and the shelter in early August 2013, 123 children have been sponsored, 12 children have been physically rescued from the streets and from extreme impoverished situations and 9 staff members have been hired. These children are being cared for, loved on, and their basic needs are being met. Lives are being changed and you are helping to make this change a reality.

Thank you for your generosity and love for these children. Our hope and prayer is that we continue to rescue children, provide for the ones that are currently in our care and share the love of Christ with those we encounter. Our goal is to give these children a chance to grow up loving the Lord and to empower them to become difference makers in their communities and in the nation of Haiti. (Check out the Spotlight section to read a personal story from one of the children living in the shelter!)

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Jimmy Janvier

In May 2010, our director Dave Brodsky met Jimmy on his 3rd trip to Haiti and asked him to translate a Gospel presentation. That night, more than 40 people trusted Christ for the first time through the message. By the end of the trip, more than 75 had come into a personal relationship with God. As our relationship with Jimmy developed, so did his translation skills. It became clear that Jimmy was available to us and that God was at work in and through him. In the summer of 2011, Jimmy acknowledged that he had never personally accepted Christ and decided to do so. His heart caught on fire for the Lord and his contagious personality and influence grew. Later that year, we helped him with a micro-loan to fulfill a personal dream of operating an Internet Cafe. Today, Jimmy has two full time workers who manage the cafe while he fulfills a new and greater dream of influencing Haiti for Christ. Now in our 4th year in Haiti, Jimmy serves as the community liaison for the Chanje Movement and helps with all our teams and projects, including the new shelter Chanje Lakay, and shares the Gospel everywhere God leads him. We are so happy to call Jimmy a partner and a friend. He continues to impact the world for Christ daily and has simplified our work and communication in Haiti.

Budget Update

From the beginning, we have trusted that God would provide tangibly, emotionally, spiritually and financially in all areas of our ministry and God has been faithful. Prior to opening Chanje Lakay, key donors committed to raising the funds for the first full year of the shelter. These funds included things such as: start up costs, the lease and rent of the property, furnishing the house, hiring staff and the means to ensure that the children are fed, clothed and provided for. God graciously and faithfully provided the necessary $50,000 it took to begin this process. As we begin to pray, plan and prepare for our second year we know that God will provide as He has in the past.

In addition to the other work, Chanje Lakay is housing 12 children and employing 9 staff members. Based on these numbers, a yearly budget of $68,500 is required.

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This amount includes all the necessities that sustain and allow Chanje Lakay to run and continue to provide for those who live there: administration, financial audits and supervision. However we want to grow our shelter and rescue more children; we have a God sized vision. With this in mind, by doubling the amount of children living in the house from 12 to 24 and adding up to 5 additional staff members, we project the need for $91,000 in annual expenses. This is a very significant amount of money but we know that where God guides, He also provides and we know He will provide for these children as He has done in the past.

We ask you to pray with us and for us as we continue this journey of faith by bringing the Gospel to those who have never heard through rescuing children. If you would like to give, you can do so online by visiting Thank you for your partnership and prayers as we continue this journey of faith!

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My First Time to Haiti

“This past November was my first time to Haiti. Although we had many evangelistic outreach opportunities, for me, visiting the prison was the most impactful. Our team of sixteen men was split into four groups of four and each group visited about ten cells. The cells held anywhere from six to ten prisoners. The prisoners were interested and eager to talk with us. They put their shirts on when we arrived and came to the door to find out why we were there. Most of the prisoners were genuinely interested in hearing the Gospel and all but one or two in each cell prayed and accepted Christ for the first time.

We were even able to hand out Bibles that had personal prayers written in them. Having the opportunity to tell them my testimony and lead them in the sinner’s prayer was incredible. Even though I have been a Christian for 28 years, God put it on my heart that I need to improve my ability to share the Gospel so that I can be prepared to lead someone to Christ. Seeing those men surrender their lives to Christ was something that I will never forget. I can’t wait to see how God continues to move and work in the nation of Haiti and in the lives of His people there.”

– Tim Lam
